Randy’s Run is an annual 5k memorial run that was started in honor of USAF Major Randell D. “Randy” Voas. On April 9, 2010, Major Voas gave his life defending our freedom as a CV22 Osprey Aircraft Commander executing an emergency landing while on a Special Operations Mission near Kandahar, Afghanistan. Every year since then, a memorial run has been held in his honor in Eden Prairie, MN, and the proceeds of the event go towards a scholarship fund at the local high school.

Drawing hundreds of runners every year, Randy’s Run was listed as one of the best 5k’s in the US because of its atmosphere and mission statement. I have been designing running shirts and jackets for the event for several years. This particular design was special because it marked the 5th annual run, and I decided that it was time the event had its own mark that would capture the spirit of the event as well.
For more info on this event, go to their website and like them on facebook!

The design for this logo was inspired by three main elements:

  • I wanted to pay homage to Major Voas’s service in the Air Force, so I included two arms from the USAF National Memorial, but rotated them inward to signify one common direction and objective.
  • The mark is also inspired by the image of a road leading into the sunset, signifying forward movement, final destination, and the literal road being run in the race.
  • The final piece of the mark is the form it creates, which becomes a monogram for the letters “RR”, so that it can be memorable and easily recognized.

The design for this artwork was drawn from a few different sources:

  • The winged shield was inspired by the USAF insignia worn by all Air Force pilots.
  • The wings were also inspired by the Eden Prairie high school mascot, and the winged feet associated with running.
  • Finally, the dashed edges of the shield which flow down to the bottom and into the logo is an abstraction of the road being run.