Tied & True is a personal kit I designed and created as a conceptual packaging project. The idea behind this kit is that it would be a gift or unique buy for someone who enjoyed or wanted to learn the finer points of dressing well. The packaging is very minimal and clean in its design, using a style that would appeal to a full range of consumers, from classy and clean-cut to well dressed hipsters.
The boxed kit includes a guide book with various knots and folds, a pocket square, cuff links, a tie clip, bow tie, and standard neck tie. Each of the boxes for the individual items include directions printed inside the tops for basic knots, as well as some general rules of style. A more extensive selection of knots and style tips can be found in the travel-friendly guide book. This line of packaging could be expanded to a whole range of individually sold accessories, with options for different colors and styles marked on the boxes, providing easy viewing in a shelf-storage environment.

The wooden box was stained and laser etched, and all smaller boxes were designed and created by hand for lack of pre-existing packaging that would fit the enclosure I chose.